n. screen; room partition; folding screen
comp., n., mat. cardinal number
n. highest waterline on the seashore or riverbank
isa't isa pron. everyone; everybody; each one
lektyurer n. lecturer
v. go down to get water. Mag-alug ang tagabúkid ug túbig, The mountaineers will be going down to get water.
n. x-ray; v. x-ray. pa- v. have someone x-ray one.
a. wobbling, rocking from side to side; v. rock from side to side. Tupúnga ang tiil sa lamísa kay nagkindangkindang, Even out the table’s legs because it wobbles. Kindangkindángun (ikindangkindang) ang kúna sa bátà, Rock the baby’s crib; n. action of wobbling from side to side.
v. 1. stick on. Mipilit ang tikì sa ákung tangkúgù, The gecko stuck to the nape of my neck. Nagpílit ang mga silyu, The stamps got stuck to each other. Pitlan tag istíkir ang kutsi, Let’s stick a sticker on the car; 2. stick to one’s lover (slang). Mupilit nà siya nímu ug ímung makúhà, She’ll stick to you once you manage to get her to go to bed with you; 3. for one’s gaze to be fixed. Mipilit ang ákung panan-aw sa íyang atubangan, My gaze rested on her front (genital region); a. sticky so as to adhere. Pilit kaáyu ning papilíta, This paste is very sticky; n. sticky rice, used for sweets. — mais n. kind of corn that produces sticky grits, used for making desserts. — ug kamut thieving. — ug dílà having difficulty pronouncing. (←) — ang dílà v. have difficulty pronouncing. Nagpílit ang ákung dílag pangatarúngan, I got all tongue-tied trying to explain. pa- v. paste, stick something to something Mipapilit siyag pahibalu sa bungbung, She pasted an announcement on the wall; n. paste. pilitpílit a. having difficulty enunciating. Walay pilitpílit nga pamatíun, He speaks glibly. (Lit. You don’t hear the tongue sticking.)
(Sp. virar) To wind, turn, twist, open or close with some force, applied to screw-nuts, hinges, etc.; to tack, veer, wear, put about, said of ships. Birahá ang biságra nga kipót. Pry (prize) open the closed hinge. Ginbirá níla sang biradór ang ólo sang dirúskas nga dáan. They turned the screw-nut of the old screw with the monkey-wrench. Birahá ang láyag. Shift the sail. Birahá ang dawdáwan. Crank the engine (by hand). (see wárik, wálik, lúbag, likô).
To click one's tongue, etc. See pangalíntak.
Caus. of lígid-to roll, etc. Indì mo pagpaligídon (-íron) ang bómbo sa salúg. Don't roll the drum across the floor. Paligídi (-íri) iníng tápì sang baríl. Roll the barrel over this plank. Ipalígid ko sa ímo iníng bató, kay akó índì makasaráng. I'll let you turn this stone over, for I am not able. Kon maáyo ang pagpalígid mo sang ímo pagkabutáng makasáplid ka gid sing dakû. If you wisely invest or make good use of your wealth, you will reap a large profit.
Caus. of tíbong-to carry on the shoulders. Kon madálum ang subâ ipatíbong ko ikáw sa táo. If the river should be deep, I'll see to it that you will be carried (across) on the shoulders of a man.
n. alipugpog
v. biruken, tapno yalis
n. provincia
n. asin
adj. nabarayuboy
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